Thursday, October 14, 2010

In a Past Life

I realize that most people who read this blog know very little about me. You might think of me as that chick who knits sporty stuff, or the one who gets a kick out of promoting other handmade shops. Well I am much more then that as you can imagine.

I am a stay at home mom, for one thing. Etsy is my second job, as it is for most of us. One that you may have guessed is that I am a total geek, seeing as my number one selling item in my shop is based on Star Wars. What you would never have dreamed is that I was in the NYC Rocky Horror Picture Show cast for 3 years. Performing in my underwear in front of strangers on a weekly basis. Dont bother looking online for pictures, I am almost 100% sure none exist.

Anyway, it is almost halloween, and as usual television is taking full advantage of this staple. Much like Scrooge at Christmas time, Rocky fills that void of programming with a song and a dance. If this is your first time watching it, I highly recommend you get out and see the real thing on the big screen with a full cast. It is still performed weekly in most parts of the country. Check the Official Fansite for the show nearest to you.

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